We spent Thanksgiving in Arizona with my family. This has sort of become a tradition, with the whole fam getting together and celebrating "Thanksmas." Last year, everyone was able to make it but us (since I had to work Thanksgiving weekend due to the year end of Goldman Sachs.) But due to the financial crisis, collapse of the investment banking industry, GS is now a bank holding company (bless the Fed), and we have a calendar year-end, which translates to Thanksmas in AZ. But ironically, my two Colorado brothers decided not to attend this year (they both promise unrelated to my attendance.)
Regardless, we had a great time, and are so happy to spend some good time with the fam (it had been 2 years since we had been back to AZ). The weather was amazing, the food delicious, and the company fantastic (probably due to the fact that were no political debates & Obama discussions).
Some highlights:
1) Not taking any days off, but just "working from home" from our laptops in AZ.
2) Playing golf - in a t-shirt in 75 degree weather ... in November. Wow! Bless non-New York weather.
3) Playing tennis - and getting completely smoked by my 39 year old brother Mike.
4) Playing racquetball - and smoking Mike/Rick! ;)
5) The Bentley mansion (and indoor slide)
6) Being with mom/dad again
7) Cafe Rio - 5 times in a week ... ah!
8) Seeing our friends
9) Driving again --- and enjoying space
This Thanksgiving we are grateful for our family and friends. Arizona was amazing! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving as well.